
Each one of our collections is inspired by and supports three organizations – three causes – that are doing good for the planet.

25% of profits from your purchase of any item in our shop goes to one of these initiatives. Every item is assigned a non-profit. You can find it listed in the product description. 

Donations will be made quarterly – every January, April, June, and October. Thank you for helping us make the world a better place!

supported by the

Coz + Effect Collection

Female Strong

Female Strong is an organization and community based in Chicago, IL that offers hands-on programs, mentorship, and experiences that build confidence in middle and high school girls. They also support the inclusion of trans, gender-fluid, and non-binary youth as they help propel them to become future leaders.

By empowering young women with the skills they need early in life, Female Strong is equipping them to realize their potential, and preempt the inequities that exist for women in the workplace today.

Learn more.

Lowcountry Orphan Relief (LOR)

LOR began when founder Lynn Young was serving as a Guardian Ad Litem in the court system speaking for the rights of all children who had been abused or abandoned. After seeing the dire situations the children were in, she began her mission to help these children reclaim their dignity, self-esteem, and find encouragement.

Since 2007, 41k children have been served by Lowcountry Orphan Relief.

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Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS)

Since 1904, Big Brothers Big Sisters has operated under the belief that every child has incredible potential. As the nation's largest donor and volunteer-supported mentoring network, BBBS makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers and children (ages 5 through young adulthood) in communities across the country.

BBBS develops positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people who will shape the future.

Learn more.

supported by the

Sunny Days Revival Collection

Melanoma Research Alliance

The Melanoma Research Alliance is leading the fight against the deadliest form of skin cancer. Since their founding in 2007, the MRA has generated 15 new FDA-approved treatments that have transformed what it means to be diagnosed, treated for, and live with melanoma.

Despite this incredible progress, melanoma continues to be the most lethal form of skin cancer and an estimated 100,000 people will be diagnosed with melanoma in the United States this year alone.

With your help, the MRA will be able to continue to fund research which will give patients longer and fuller lives.

Learn more.

Supported by the

Blue Mind Collection


SeaLegacy was co-founded in 2014 by a pioneer of the modern conservation photography movement, a renowned NatGeo polar photographer, and an Emmy-nominated director & marine conservationist. Today, they continue to be guided by a passionate team of world-class filmmakers, conservationists, and photographers.

Their mission is to inspire people to fall in love with the ocean, amplify a network of change-makers around the world, and catalyze hands-on diplomacy through hopeful, world-class visual storytelling.

Over the years, SeaLegacy's dedication and artistic craft has led to several big wins for the ocean, including: protecting orcas in Norway's Arctic (2014), reconnecting the people of Timor-Leste with the ocean (2019), and protecting 54 species of sharks under Panama's Proposal 37 (2022).

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SeaTrees is a program of the nonprofit Sustainable Surf that develops coastal restoration projects around the world to reverse climate change.

They plant, protect, and restore coastal ecosystems, including kelp and mangrove forests, seagrass meadows, coral reefs, oyster reefs, and coastal watersheds.

As of World Mangrove Day in 2023, they had planted 3 million SeaTrees: 275k+ mangrove trees in Kenya, Indonesia, & Mexico; 500k+ sqft of kelp restoration in California & Australia; 14.5k coral fragments restored in Indonesia; and 40k+ sqft of seagrass planted in Spain & Portugal. Moreover, 83.7k tons of CO2 were sequestered in their project sites in Cambodia & Colombia, and 85k sqft of watershed was restored at their project sites in Maui.

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Operation Surf

Operation Surf's mission is to channel the healing powers of the ocean to restore hope, renew purpose, and revitalize community.

Harnessing the Blue Mind Theory put forth by marine biologist Dr. Wallace J. Nichols in his studies of the effects of water on our health and wellbeing, Operation Surf works to help veterans heal emotional wounds.

Operation Surf acknowledges that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other traumas can have a serious lasting and detrimental impact on the human body. Rates of PTSD, suicide, and other lingering effects among military veterans are so alarming that the matter has been classified as a National Health Crisis by the VA and CDC.

A recent outside study of the Operation Surf program showed that participants experienced: a 36% decrease in PTSD symptoms, a 47% decrease in depression, and a 68% increase in self-efficacy.

Learn more.

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We only keep three collections active at one time. These causes were supported by super cool retired drops. Send us a message at if you want us to revive these designs for another round of support!


Welcome to the Jungle Collection

Rainforest Trust

For over 30 years, the Rainforest Trust has been successfully working towards their mission to save endangered wildlife and protect our planet by creating rainforest reserves. With the goal of long-term land management and species protection, Rainforest Trust identifies critical sites which provide permanent refuge for endangered species, but face immediate and direct treats from loggers, miners, ranchers, etc. Then, Rainforest Trust moves to get those threatened areas legally designated as protected – private reserves, national parks, community forests, or indigenous lands.

To date, they have protected over 45.7 million acres of tropical habitat across more than 62 countries by harnessing the power of partnerships with local communities, national governments, and committed conservationists.

Learn more.

Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate, and upholds human rights. They are constantly assessing urgent social and environmental treats, targeting the corporate and financial culprits responsible for the most negative impacts. They partner with Indigenous and frontline communities for local-led solutions, garnering changes that will be felt globally. Already, RAN as provided funding to over 300 frontline communities in nearly 40 countries, across 6 continents. 

RAN is driven by seeking justice for people, for those that experience racial and social oppression where climate change and conservation intersect. They recognize that environmental justice is inextricably linked to racial justice and human rights issues. 

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American Women's Self-Defense Association

The World Health Organization estimates that violence against women ins a greater cause of death among women ages 15-44 than cancer, malaria, and traffic accidents combined. Moreover, at least one out of every three women worldwide will have experienced abuse in her lifetime. The American Women’s Self-Defense Association (AWSDA) works to combat these statistics. AWSDA is an education nonprofit dedicated to ending violence against women by providing training programs to self-defense instructors, as well as services for women to increase their knowledge of self-defense techniques and rape prevention. 

Learn more.


Pardon My French Collection

Amnesty International

Founded in 1961, Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 10 million people who are committed to creating a future where human rights are enjoyed by everyone. They are independent of any political ideology, economic interest, or religion and believe that no government or powerful entity is beyond scrutiny and accountability. Amnesty International stands with victims of human rights violations whoever and wherever they are.

Through diligent research and determined campaigning, Amnesty International helps fight abuses of human rights worldwide, bringing torturers to justice, changing oppressive laws, freeing those jailed for voicing their opinion, etc. Their efforts extend to armed conflict, child rights, climate change, detention, discrimination, indigenous peoples, international justice, police brutality, refugees, asylum-seekers, and migrants, as well as sexual and reproductive rights, to name a few. 

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Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders)

Doctors Without Borders cares for people affected by conflict, disease outbreaks, natural and human-made disasters, and exclusion from healthcare in 70+ countries. MSF is independent, impartial, neutral, transparent, and accountable. They are guided by universal medical ethics, committed to bearing witness, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Since their start in 1971, over 16.2 million medicals consultations have been conducted by their humanitarian teams, more than 1.2 million patients have been admitted to MSF hospitals or clinics around the world, and tens of millions of vaccinations have been administered. 

Some of many medical issues MSF is working to address globally include: unsafe abortion, antibiotic resistance, cholera, COVID-19, ebola, HIV/AIDS, kala azar, malaria, malnutrition, maternal health, measles, meningitis, mental health, monkeypox, sleeping sickness, snakebike, tuberculosis, and yellow fever. 

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Global Language Network

The Global Language Network is a DC-based nonprofit whose mission is to “use language as a tool to help fix our world.” They believe that the first and most fundamental tool for solving any issue is communication – a peace building mechanism for personal, local, domestic, and global conflict. Since 2005, they have been working to provide affordable language classes in more than 60 languages and empowering individuals to teach classes in their native language. Every day they strive to bring the world closer to peace and cooperation – embracing diversity, transcending cultural barriers, and broadening perspectives. Already, 9,000 learners and 600 teachers have been engaged, and 28 community partnerships have been forged. 

Learn more.

Supported by the

Sunny Days Collection


Oceana is a non-profit founded in 2001 that works to create campaigns, expeditions, and science-based international policies that stop overfishing, protect habitats, increase transparency, protect our climate, curb plastic pollution, and increase biodiversity.

Since their inception, Oceana has already protected nearly 4 million square miles of ocean and innumerable sea life, but there is still more to be done.

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Melanoma Research Alliance

The Melanoma Research Alliance is leading the fight against the deadliest form of skin cancer. Since their founding in 2007, the MRA has generated 15 new FDA-approved treatments that have transformed what it means to be diagnosed, treated for, and live with melanoma.

Despite this incredible progress, melanoma continues to be the most lethal form of skin cancer and an estimated 100,000 people will be diagnosed with melanoma in the United States this year alone.

With your help, the MRA will be able to continue to fund research which will give patients longer and fuller lives.

Learn more.

GRID Alternatives

GRID Alternatives was founded during the 2001 California energy crisis by two engineers with the vision to make solar PV technology accessible for low-income communities, while providing pathways to clean energy jobs.

GRID is working towards a rapid, equitable transition to a world powered by renewable energy.

So far, with help from donors, they have been able to create over 29k solar households internationally, engage 47k+ people in solar education, and will have prevented 1.8 tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

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